TOP 5% Best SMEs in Portugal
SMARTIDIOM was distinguished as one of the TOP best SMEs in Portugal in 2021.
A market recognition of our work, quality, credibility and trust.
This certification is issued by SCORING, resulting from the financial economic classification that determines which companies are admitted to this restricted group of the best 5% Portuguese SMEs in terms of performance and financial strength.
This distinction refers to and praises the good functioning of the company, in terms of credibility and trust with the customer, growth in the market and economic solidity.
The requirements to be nominated in this ranking are results from sales/resources and financial solidity in the short and medium-long term.
SMARTIDIOM was recognised as one of the TOP best SMEs in Portugal in 2021. This is a milestone for us as a company and team.
Our team is governed by many values and partnership is one of them, everyone is a companion and participates in the development of SMARTIDIOM.
The positive environment, happiness at work in which we invest so much time and believe will make a difference in the lives of our employees and SMARTIDIOM in the future are focal points in our daily lives.
Yes, results are important and expected by any company, liquidity is essential to its operation. But we believe in an even more ambitious future, a healthy company, happy and fulfilled people. That’s what drives us.
Results and our people satisfied, complete and willing to give their best to SMARTIDIOM every day, that’s the only way that makes sense to us. To be a real team, committed to current leadership, with a lot of empathy and willingness to grow and evolve from day to day.
This certificate is the result of a year of continuous work, a lot of dedication of a fierce team in everything they do, a team of excellence. A family that fights for SMARTIDIOM with a great sense of belonging.
Congratulations to our team, any recognition or award given to us is due to you and for you. Congratulations, also to our great leader, Carla Gaspar who teaches us so much and who makes each of us a better person and professional every day.